I am looking for several talented cartoonists to draw funny and/or violent cartoons for a collab I am putting together. The artist is limited to 3 peices and all of the art work must go through me before being put into the flash flip book.
Please keep it in good humour and make it as smooth as possible. I will not be accepting anything which is tacky and poorly drawn, racist or generally anything in poor taste.
I will not be accepting anything which has been handdrawn or rushed on MS paint. Thouhg I will accept things from MS painmt, but I hope I will not notice.
The collab is open to anybody right now.
Here are the slots for artists:
1, me
2, 8ball
3, MegaSwedenBoT
4, RetardedNINJA666 Is programing
5, nitrogyen Is writing
Remember I would preffer it if your peice or peices were funny and there is no limit to the violence, though yet again I would [preffer if it didn't cross the line of racism or any shit like that
Here is my first peice for the collab, enjoy...
See my post and my past posts. I got fucking art skillz.