They Have Made A Drink For me
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When God Gives You Lemons You Find A New God
God Berry
King Of the Juice
AAF - Smooth Criminal
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Powerthirst Is Like Crystalmeth In A Can
Powerthirst Is Crystalmeth In A Can
Powerthirst Is Crystalmeth
I am tring to decide whether to get a 600cc sport bike or a 1100cc tour bike. Sport Bikes Are Fast, Light And Sexy (You look hot while driving them, not sexy as in "ooooh yeah"...You know what I mean?) And tour bikes are reeeaaallllllllllllyyyyyyyyyyy fucking fast, heavy and just as sexy, but its the heavieness which just doesnt usually do it for me :(
So Its Basically A Choice Between A Ninja 2XZOR650 Or SA Super Blackbird1100 :S
And heres an OLLLLLLLLLDDDDD Pic of my brother on his old Ninja (I think, poor photo methinks.)