Imagine a world were there were no sweat shops
Where men and women, girl and boys could run free
Be at one with nature
Bountyful food and water for the masses
No more class ystems
Everybody is equal, in every way, shape and form
We all love and care for each other
Now stop daydreaming and get back to your sewing machine
We need to get these trainers out by monday
*Yawn* I Wrote A Poem...Now
There Once Was A Man In The Navy
Whos Fravorite Food Was Baby
He'd Eat One A Day
Until he Was Caught
And Sentenced To Life Without Parol
The Sick Mother Fuckler Was Stabbed To Death In Prison By A Guy Called "Fisty McMuffin"
P.s. All Jap Fags Will Be Shot On Sight, Survivors Will Be Shot Again, Then Banned From Commenting. A Jap Fag, Or Wapanese, Is Somebody Who Tries To Adopt The Japanese Way Of Life By, Steriotypically, Collecting Samuri Swords, Dressing Up In Dressing Gowns, Squinting Your Eyes, Listning To Japanese Techno, And Watching Anime, ANY Anime ( IfYour A Friend, I WIll Make An Exeption To This Rule). For Any Japanese People Who Fit This Bill, You Are Pardoned Because You ARE Japanese And Not Some Wannabe Loser Who Has Nothing better To Do With His Time Than Pose For Shitty Photos With Them Squinting And Making The Peace Sign With There 2 Middle Fingers.
Well I Have A Fucking Message For You Right Here:
That was absolutely beautiful!
XD I thinkn it expesses my oppinions on the current world economic climate